One Thousand Days Transformed - 的 Campaign for Cedarville



Cedarville University welcomes military students, and we look forward to assisting you with financial aid. 学生退伍军人, 现役军人, National Guard and Reserve servicemembers, 后备军官训练队学员, and military dependents are a valued/valuable part of our campus 社区.

以下是我们为军人学生处理的军事教育援助奖 学费.

U的出现.S. 美国国防部(DoD)的视觉信息并不意味着或构成国防部的认可. 沙巴体育不是国防部或任何军事部门的官方组成部分.





俄亥俄州国民警卫队 Scholarship

俄亥俄州国民警卫队 With Plane


Ohio War Orphan Scholarship

Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant


军校学生可能有资格获得几种不同类型的退伍军人福利之一,这取决于服务成员的兵役.  退伍军人的学生, serving on active duty or are in the Guard or Reserves may have earned specific 好处 based upon their military service.  军人的子女或配偶也可能有资格获得转移或提供的福利.

  1. 确认你是 eligible for VA education 好处.
  2. 申请VA教育福利,并从VA获得资格证书(COE).
  3. Submit the Certificate of Eligibility (COE) to the VA Certifying Official at the Cedarville 注册处 (Phone: 937-766-7710, Fax: 937-766-7663, or email
  4. 在学期开始时,从CU注册办公室申请一份雪松维尔VA注册报告. 这份报告是由Cedarville创建的,将在学期开始之前提供.
  5. 一旦您确定了您的时间表,请在每个学期开始时向Cedarville VA认证官员提交Cedarville的VA注册报告.

Types of VA Education Related Benefits



GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). 有关退伍军人事务部提供的教育福利的更多信息,请访问美国官方网站.S. 政府网站


锡达维尔大学有参加空军后备军官训练队或陆军后备军官训练队的学生.  有资格获得ROTC奖学金的学生可以将这些奖学金与沙巴体育的机构奖学金结合使用,直接进入大学 指控.  Students will complete the application process directly with ROTC.

Cedarville University is a military friendly school. We welcome 后备军官训练队学员 to pursue an undergraduate degree. Cedarville allows you to use your ROTC scholarship to meet your goals.

ROTC Education 好处 may include the following:


  • Up to 100 percent tuition and fee coverage
  • A monthly living (housing) stipend of $300-500 per month
  • Up to $900 a year for books and supplies


  • Up to 100 percent tuition and fee coverage
  • A monthly living (housing) stipend of $420 per month
  • Books and supplies allowance

在某些情况下,后备军官训练队的受助人可能会获得其他机构的奖学金或助学金. 沙巴体育寻求明智地使用机构资金,以便其他学生获得资金. 因此, 如果学生的经济援助总额高于大学的直接费用, Cedarville will reduce other forms of institutional gift-based aid. 下面的例子说明了在这些情况下,机构捐赠援助将如何减少:


例# 1:

尼古拉斯获得了雪松维尔大学的奖学金和助学金,共计16000美元. Nicolas lives on campus and is also receiving the 军队参加后备役军官训练军团 scholarship award. His bill and financial aid are as 如下:

学费:$ 34498CU Academic Scholarship: $14,000
住房/食品:8400美元Cedarville Fund Award: $2,000

在上面的示例中,Nicolas的CR余额为7,400美元,来自机构资金. 在这种情况下, 锡达维尔大学将减少CU学术奖学金和/或锡达维尔基金奖的金额,以允许住房, 食物, 还有学生的学费 be covered 100 percent (aid will be reduced from $16,000 to $8,400). ROTC学员还将获得直接支付给学生的书籍和生活津贴. If an outside scholarship is awarded to the student, Cedarville University will reduce additional amounts proportionally.

例# 2:

Emma is awarded Cedarville University scholarships and grants that total $13,500. Emma lives off campus and is also receiving the 军队参加后备役军官训练军团 award. Her bill and financial aid are as 如下:

学费:$ 34498CU Academic Scholarship: $14,000
学费:200美元Cedarville Fund Award: $2,000

在上面的例子中,Emma的CR余额为16,000美元,来自机构资金. 在这种情况下, 雪松维尔大学将减少科罗拉多大学学术奖学金和/或雪松维尔基金奖的金额,从16美元,000 to $0. ROTC学员还将获得直接支付给学生的书籍和生活津贴. If an outside scholarship is awarded to the student, Cedarville University will reduce additional amounts proportionally.

示例# 3:

雅各布获得了雪松维尔大学的奖学金和助学金,共计13500美元. Jacob also receives an outside scholarship of $1,000. Jacob lives on campus and is also receiving the 空军后备军官训练队 scholarship award. His bill and financial aid are as 如下:

学费:$ 34498Dean's Excellence Scholarship: $14,000
住房/食品:8400美元Cedarville Fund Award: $2,000
-空军后备军官训练队 Scholarship: $18,000

在上面的例子中,Jacob还有8098美元的余额要支付给Cedarville大学. ROTC学员还将获得直接支付给学生的书籍和生活津贴.



俄亥俄州国民警卫队奖学金计划(ONGSP)是俄亥俄州陆军和空军国民警卫队的所有成员的学费计划,这些成员至少已经入伍三年,最多六年,并且在他们的部队中表现良好.  的 ONGSP将为所有国家资助的公立大学支付100%的学费,并将为参与ONGSP的私立大学的公立学校支付100%的州平均学费.  If a Soldier or Airman enlists for 3-5 years they will receive 48个学时获得学位,如果他们参加完整的6年兵役,他们将获得96个学时获得学位. 有关要求的更多详细信息,请联系俄亥俄州国民警卫队或俄亥俄州空军警卫队, 义务 和福利.


1 - 800 -去-警卫 主页 俄亥俄州警卫队信息 Instagram 脸谱网 如何加入


1 - 800 - - - ang网站位置脸谱网 如何加入



Military members who are serving on active duty, 在国民警卫队工作, or in the Reserves may be eligible for military tuition assistance. 军事学费援助是一种经济援助形式,可以用来帮助支付你的课程费用.

请与您的军事单位或装置审查您是否有资格获得此福利. 学费补助福利的批准应在注册课程之前从适当的教育服务官员处获得, 军事顾问, 和/或军事单位.

To apply for tuition assistance:

  1. 根据军事部门/教育办公室的指示完成适当的申请. See links below or contact your military education office to get started.
  2. When your TA is approved, please communicate with Cedarville’s 收银员办公室 (电子邮件 to complete the process.
  3. If you are eligible for Tuition Assistance 充值 please contact the VA Certifying Official at Cedarville at the 注册处 (


  • 空军预备队
  • 陆军预备役
  • 海岸警卫队预备队


Ohio War Orphan and Severely Disabled Veterans’ Children Scholarship

俄亥俄州为居住在俄亥俄州的退伍军人的子女提供奖学金, 父母要么是在服役期间失去了生命,要么是退伍军人伤残率达到60%或更高.  学生必须注册 在符合条件的俄亥俄州学院或大学全日制本科学习,有资格获得该奖项,并符合其他标准. 的 application deadline is May 15th 每年的. Students and families are required to submit the application and military documents once. Applicants must apply between the ages of 16 and 24. 在俄亥俄州高等教育部门的网站上查看有关的详细信息 Ohio War Orphan and Severely Disabled Veterans’ Children Scholarship.


Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant

在2001年9月11日之后在伊拉克或阿富汗服兵役,父母死亡的大学生可能有资格获得伊拉克和阿富汗服务补助金(IASG)。. IASG may be used towards a student's first undergraduate bachelor's degree. Annual completion of the FAFSA is required to be considered 对于这项拨款. Cedarville University will be notified by the U.S. 在完成FAFSA后,您是否有资格获得该奖项. Please review the information available regarding the IASG award on the Federal Student Aid website.


Military Students and Families

Cedarville University is a military friendly school. 不管你是退伍军人, 预备役, 警卫队成员, 现役军人, ROTC cadet or a dependent of a military servicemember, we think you’ll find a home at Cedarville.

Learn more about military life at Cedarville »
